OCTOBRE ROSE at un chic fou

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One of the raisons d’être of un chic fou is to support women, to give them confidenceto make them aware of their beauty and strength.
OCTOBRE ROSE is an opportunity to raise awareness of breast cancer screening , which can prevent and cure 90% of cases.
If you haven’t already, get tested!
un chic fou has been supporting the OTIUM Center since 2018, Swiss Foundation fighting cancer and helping to improve the quality of life of people affected by the disease.
Between 50% and 70% of jewelry sales are donated to the OTIUM Foundation. See the floral lines featuring the Foundation’s logo at , as well as a bracelet with the text “écouter son coeur battre” (listen to your heart beating) , designed and made especially for the Center.

OTIUM centers:
– Rive Gauche: Place des Philosophes 18, 1205 Geneva.
– Right Bank: Rue de Veyrot 39, 1217 Meyrin
Wear pink to show your support for this important cause.
Raising awareness and communicating are the first steps to curb the spread of the disease. Everyone can do their part!

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